Archived Letters Home

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Archived Letters Home 2022-2023

July 2023

Safeguarding during summer holidays

Lost Property

Increase in cost of school dinner 01.09.23

Y7 Drop In Session

Transition Day 2023

Nursery Places 2023-2024

Diamond Business – Thank you!

Sports Day 2023

Food Bank Festival 2023

Summer Fair 2023 Fundraising

June 2023

Tuesday 4th July

Edinburgh Trip Parent Meeting ; T&C for Edinburgh Letter

Pride Results

Addilyn Fundraising Result

Computing letter

Assessment letter

Edinburgh Trip Letter of Interest

Rearranged Sports Day

Summer Fair Volunteers

Emerald Killhope Letter

New Immunisation Provider

In-school transition day

Pride Mud Run

Hens in school

Staffing Structure 2023-2024

Alston Transition Day Bowes Trip

Lynn Uren

Nominate our school

Rounders Letter

Emerald and Diamond Zoo Trip 14 June 23

Amethyst Sapphire and Ruby Zoo Trip 18 July 23

Parent Letter – London Visit

Diamond Year 6 Leavers Service 2023

Tesco Grant Vote

May 2023

Parental engagement Art Event

School Uniform Reminder

Miss Clarey Leaving

After School Clubs Summer Term 2 , Booking Form for Summer Term 2

Bowes re-arranged Trip

Y6 Italian Lunch

Y6 Leavers Presentation in school

PD Day – 26th May 2023

30 hour codes for September 2023

Addilyn sponsored haircut

London Trip 2023 – Food Choice

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Diamond LZ – Character Development lessons

The Hobbit

Wrap Around Care Grants 2023

5 Star Kitchen Rating

Lunchtime Apology letter

Y4 Tables Check

April 2023

New SATs Timetable

Coronation Picnic

SEND Survey 2023

Autism Acceptance Month

National Emergency Text

Strike Days 27 April and 2nd May

Clothing Recycling

Easter Fair Fundraising 2023

Class Photo – Proofs 2023

March 2023

Fun and Food Stanhope Railway

Easter Service 2023

Summer Term 1 Afterschool Clubs , Booking Form for Summer Term 1

Ruby Swimming 2023 Letter

Easter Fair 2023

Emerald Trip Newcastle Castle

Year 5 Skipping Festival

Sleep Day 24.03.23

New Menu Choices after Easter , Chartwells New Spring Summer 22-23 Menu

Admin Backlog

Author Event 2023 Letter , Author Event 2023 Order Form

Samuel Kings Taster Day 2023

Strike Action 15 and 16 March

Emerald Tennis Festival

Easter Egg donations 2023

Stanhope’s Got Talent

Increase in cost of school dinner – 17.04.23

Book Stall World Book Day

Saving system on Parent Pay

February 2023

Safeguarding concerns Half Term holidays

Science Challenge

2nd Strike Day

Fundraising meeting

World Book Day 2023

Spring Term 2 Afterschool Clubs , Booking Form for Spring Term 2

Parent meeting 16.02.23

LGBT History Week

Letter from Chair of AC

Aerosol deodorants when swimming

Safer Internet Day

Team GB Athlete Sponsorship

Opal Stay and Play

Amethyst Stay and Play

Parent Survey Feedback , Feedback from parent survey 2022-2023

Increase in School Meal price – 27.02.23

Children’s Mental Health Week

January 2023

Safeguarding Changes

Fundraising letter

Appointment of Ian Dargue to the AC

Parents Strike Letter

Team GB Athlete Event

Year 1 Multi-Skills

Valentines Disco

Diamond Bowes Museum Trip

NEU Strike Action

London Trip £260

Emerald Treat Letter

Poverty Proofing Parent Survey

London Trip £327 Parent Pay

Parent Letter – Joel

Winter Illnesses , Schools leaflet -Winter Illnesses — Info parent pupils staff — September 2022

Cancellation of Brass lessons

Parental Questionnaire 2022 , Parental Questionnaire 2022

Sleeping Beauty

Discovery Museum Trip

December 2022

Safeguarding concerns – Christmas holidays

Emerald Swimming Letter

Vacancy for Parent Academy Councillor , Nomination Form 2023

Wraparound Care in January

Carol Service 2022

Tickets for Christmas Performances

Packed Tea Letter

Christmas Jumper Day

Winter Illness letter & infoSchools leaflet (winter illnesses info for parents, pupils and staff 2022

Panto Early Start letter

Spring Term After School Clubs , Booking Form for Spring Term 1

Illness and Sickness

November 2022

New Dates KS2 SATs 2023

Christmas Discos 2022

Christmas Performances 2022

Letter to Farming Community 21.11.22

Children In Need

Easyfundraising Letter

London Trip 2023 letter

Individual Photos

Anti-Bullying Week

Parent & Carer Appointments

Fundraising meeting

Cancellation of Christmas Fair

October 2022

Home Walk Reminder

Poppy Appeal 2022

Safeguarding concerns in Half Term

Halloween 2022

London Trip Interest letter

Breakfast Club Trial

Autumn Term 2 After School Clubs , Booking Form for Autumn Term 2

Christmas Lunch

Phonics for Parents sessions

Diamond LZ – Weardale Railway Trip

School Support Fund

Parent AC contacts

Online Safety Briefing for Parents

Cancellation of Cookery Club

Panto 2022 letter

Discovery Museum Trip letter payment options

Appointment of Steve Burton to AC

September 2022

Year 2 Kurling

Harvest 2022

Jam Jar Collection

Change Ultimate Frisbee Club

MacMillan Cancer Coffee Morning 2022

Dates for PE and Swimming

Home Walk Project

Collection of Children

Dates 2022-2023 letter

Queen’s Funeral

Letter Parent Vacancy for AC

After School Club letter

Welcome Back

Welcome Back Fair 2022

Archived Letters Home 2021-2022

July 2022

Letter to parents and carers

Emergency Contact during Summer holidays

Early Collection 19.o7.22

Seesaw Letter – Preparation for September 2022

Weather Warning

Teaching Teams 2022-23

Appointment of Assistant Head Teachers

Breakfast & After School Provision

Sports Day 2022

Changes to one way system

June 2022

Cancelled swimming lessons

Bikeability Date change

Year 3&4 Beamish Trip letter

Summer Fair – Thank you

Feeding Families Festival

Summer 2022 Newsletter

London Educational Visit letter

Y6 Leavers Celebration

Summer Fair

School Uniform Orders

Clogging and Cake

Pride Colour Run

Summer Holiday Cookery Club

May 2022

Break up – Half Term 2022

Durham Leavers Service

Mrs Howes-Jones

After School Clubs – Summer 2

Art Exhibition Invite

Jubilee Celebrations

Home Walk Project

SATs FEST 19.05.22

Christian Aid Week 2022

Grant for London Trip

Fellowship and Friends letter

Menu Choice Letter – London Trip

Year 6 SATs

Fellowship and Friends

April 2022

Donations for Ukraine

London Visit confirmationFAQ’s

Emergency Contact during Easter holidays 2022

Opal Staffing Issues

Covid Update – April 2022

Ruby Swimming Lessons

Spring 2022 Newsletter

March 2022

Parent letter Little Wandle Event

Easter Raffle and Competition

London Trip Letter to Parents

Science Week

Great British Bread Off

Staff Car Park Issue

Clothing Recycling Point

Delay to new menu

Ruby Tennis Festival 15.03.22

Class Photos – 2022

Parent Appointments – Spring 2022

Red Nose Day 2022Just Giving Link

New Menu Choices after Easter ; Summer Menu Selections – April 2022

Living With Covid PlanCOVID RA Update March 2022

Team GB AthleteAthletes Sponsorship Link

Ukraine Situation

Spainsfield Trip – Diamond LZ

Covid Update – 28.02.22

February 2022

Green Hearts

World Book Day 2022

Children’s Mental Health Week

Mobile Phones in school

Safer Internet Day

January 2022

Lifting of Outbreak Management Plan

Emerald Swimming Cancelled – 31.01.22

Cleaning Issues

Covid Update – 26.01.22

Parents Update – 24.01.22

Reopening of Sapphire – Wednesday 26.01.22

Outbreak Management Plan – Parents – Emerald LZ

Re-opening of Sapphire

Seesaw during isolation

Face Coverings – Parents

Winter Clothing Fund

Closure of Sapphire Learning Zone

Outbreak Management Plan – Parents – Diamond LZ

Outbreak Management Plan – Parents – Sapphire LZ

5 day Isolation

Covid Update

Parent Pay non payment

Upcoming Panto

Emerald Swimming

December 2021

Thank You letter

Plan B updateSelf isolation and testing flowchart Dec 2021

Outcome of Colour Blindness Screening

Staffing Changes in January

Christmas Tour

Alternative Curriculum Day 2021

Entry Tickets for Christmas Tour

Vision Statement

Colour Blindness Screening Date

Christmas Cards & Gifts

After School Club Letter

November 2021

Additional Bank Holiday

Mrs Howes-Jones Secondment

Christmas Tour Event

Launch of Facebook

Update School Photos letter

School Photos letter

Daily LFT for KS2

Parent Appointment Letter

Power Play Letter

Colour Blindness Screening Stanhope

Update Covid Risk Assessment

Children In Need

War Week and Remembrance

Winter Fuel vouchers

October 2021

School Meals Price Rises

Science At Home

New Flu Vaccination date

Autumn 2021 Newsletter

PE Kits

September 2021

Halloween Lunch

Harvest Festival Services

New Menu Choices – Autumn Menu 2021

Football After School Club

Extension of Cookery Club

Kinship Support

Letter from Paul Rickeard

MacMillan Cancer Coffee Morning

Volunteers Needed

Stanhope Show Volunteers

Homework and PE letter

Overview of Swimming Provision

After School Club Letter – Autumn Term 2021

Diamond Swimming 2021

Mrs Howes-Jones Absence

Moving forward in 2021-2022

Return to School Plan

Archived Letters Home 2020-2021

July 2021

Thank you parents

Emergency Contact

Personal Items in School

Cancelled Transition Day

Covid-19 Update 12.07.21

Monday 12th July

Come On England

After School Provision – Autumn Term 1  ; After School Booking Form – Autumn Term 1

Change to Transition Day

Sports Day £1 ice cream

Gifts and Cards

Summer homework

June 2021

Cancellation of Sleepover ; Signed Year 6 event Risk Assessment

Collecting Children

Covering letter for reports

Sports Day 2021

Reading Recommendations

Transition for September

Fidget Toys

Let’s be Proud

Year 6 Sleepover

After School Club questionnaire

LZ Allocation and Science

Diamond LZ Swimming Lessons

May 2021

Safeguarding during Half Term

SCAMPS closure


New Report format

Menu Choices – Summer Menu

Letters on Website

Letter to recruit Parent AC member

Parent Pay

Treasure Island

Skip Into Spring

Christian Aid Week

After School Club Provision

April 2021

Weardale Education Centre Visit May

Road Safety


Uniform letter

Parent Pay

Parental Engagement

Reading Volunteers

Twelfth Night Trip

March 2021

Christmas Panto at Eastertime

Homework reminder

Easter Holiday Covid Testing

Easter Bag

After School Summer Term

Road Works

Letter to Parents and Carers 12.03.21

Comic Relief

End of the First Week

Mrs Peoples retirement

Preloved Scheme

Asymptomatic Testing letter

Continued use of Seesaw

First Week Back

Reopening 08.03.21 ; RA for 08.03.21 Reopening

Weardale Outdoor Education Centre Funding

February 2021

Reopening 8th March 2021

Letter from CEO of MAT

After School Clubs Spring Term 2 ; After School Child Care Booking Form

Mr Beresford

Notification of Individual letters

Year 1 Parent Zoom Meeting

Snuggle Day

Class Restructure ; Q&A for parents ; Super Power Gems

Year 2 Zoom Breach

Thank you letter

Michael Morpurgo event ; Michael Morpurgo Letter to Parents

Geography Week

Children’s Mental Health letter

January 2021

Mental Health Day 7th Feb

Staff Lateral Flow Testing

Celebration Assemblies Zoom

Differentiation of learning

Holocaust Memorial Day

Emotional well being resources

Coffee Morning 29.01.21

FSM Vouchers

Sign up for Family account

Consent for Remote Learning

Keeping Connected Coffee Mornings

Reminder about Covid Tests

Updated RA for Website ; Risk Assessment document

Donation of Devices

Remote Learning Reassurance letter

Letter to parents and carers 11.01.21

Confirmed Catch Up Clinics

Letter Remote Learning Guidance; Our social media guidelines January 2021; Remote learning guidance and permission January 2021 (1)

Head Teacher Challenges

Mr Myers Leaving letter


Collective Worship and Assemblies

MAT letter to parents 08.01.21

Remote Learning Resources

Statutory Testing Cancelled

Collective Worship and Assemblies

Introducing Remote Learning

Appointment of Head Teacher

Retirement of Mr Myers

Letter from MAT 05.01.21

School Closure 05.01.21

December 2020

Christmas holiday covid reporting

Thank you for donations

Christmas Parties 2020

Price Increases for Breakfast Club and After School

After School Clubs Spring Term 1; After School Child Care Booking Form

Christmas performances

Not closed on 18th Dec

Cancelled After School on 16.12.20

SATs update

November 2020

Nursery Advert

Kingswood refund

Letter to parents 26.11.2020

Christmas Parcel letter ; Christmas Parcel details

Year Group Christmas Cards

Easy Fundraising

Technology Survey

Christmas Cards

Thank you for Harvest donations

Parent Appointments plus EYFS Preferences; Class 1 Preferences; Class 2 Preferences; Class 3 Preferences; Class 4 Preferences; Class 5 Preferences

School Photos 2020

War Week letter 2020

Children In Need 2020

Class 3 Supply Teacher 2020

Harvest Food Bank Donations 2020

Letter to DDMAT Parents and Carers Lockdown 04.11.20

Admissions Policy Consultation – 02.11.2020

October 2020

End of half term letter

After School Clubs Autumn 2; After School Child Care Booking Form

Catch Up Clinics for Flu Vaccinations

Class 3 & 5 staffing arrangements

Tier 2 additional Covid information

Letter regarding 12 & 13 October

School Newsletter – September 2020

September 2020

PHE letter to parents and guardians (1)

Informal childcare confirmation

MacMillan Cancer Coffee Morning

Local Lockdown clarification

Update on Covid Symptoms from Paul Rickeard

Class 1 no personal items letter

PE Arrangements

Hand Sanitiser

Class 1 supply teacher

Class 3 and 4 lunchtimes

Year 6 Open Eve Wolsingham

Child Care letter

After School Child Care Booking Form

School Dinners – 02.09.20


April 2020

21.04.20 Update

Thrive Letter

Home Schooling

FSM Vouchers

Letter to parents joining MAT Stanhope (1)

Letter-Easter holiday opening times 2020

March 2020

Welcome to our strange new world

Coronavirus Letter- SEND Support

Letter from Paul Rickeard to all DDMAT Parents and Carers 200320a

Childcare provision during coronavirus

Forced Closure – childrens work.doc

Coronavirus Update-13.03.20

Sports Relief

Class 4 staffing arrangements

School Meal choices March 2020

Photography Event 2020 Letter       Photo Guidance

February 2020

Newsletter-Spring 2020

Sickness and Diarrhoea

Valentines disco

Tuesday Sports Club

January 2020

Hrothgar the Viking letter

Paper free letter

Class 4 staffing arrangements

Harry Potter Night

Class 4 Teeth letter

Class 4 Moon Hares Project

December 2019

Class 4 swimming letter

EYFS & Year 1 Multi skills (Josh)

Increase in Breakfast Club prices

Kingswood confirm a place

Year 5 Photography lessons

Year 6 Reading booster lessons

Recipe Book

The Rudolph Run

November 2019

Children In Need

Help letter

October 2019

Adult and Kids Keep Fit sessions

Parking outside of school

Recipe letter to parents

September 2019


Football training letter

Welcome Back letter

Art Club letter

Year 6 Technology Lessons

Tuesday Sports Club.doc

Roald Dahl Day

Kingswood parents meeting

Friends meeting Sept 2019

Class 3 swimming letter



July 2019

Brass Festival parents

SATs results 2019

Class 4 Trip

June 2019

Flu vaccine letter 2019

Nursery Trip Letter

Reception Trip Letter.doc

Josh Sport Club june 19

Morning mile

Scholastic Book Fair.doc

Weardale Tub Trip

May 2019

Year 3 photo consent 2019

Year 5 SATs week

SATs timetable

Planning Jigsaw Term 3

Packed Lunches

April 2019

Class 1&2 to Hartlepool

Cricket Coaching

MAT decision to parents

New Age Kurling

March 2019

New Governors

Year 5 swimming – Summer 2019

Josh Sport Club after Easter 2019

Easter arrangements 2019

Friends Update letter – Spring 2019

Tennis after school letter – Summer 2019

Yr 3 Vindolanda trip

Parent governor vacancy

February 2019

Mo Mo Challenge letter

Comic Relief

Weardale Tub letter

World Book Day

Year 6 Parents Reading sessions

Class 4 trip to Tom Gates Live

Breakfast Club

January 2019

Parental support sessions ICT

Ceilidh letter

Parent Governor Vacancy

Year 5 tranistion at wolsingham

December 2018

MAT Consultation Process:

Letter to parents

Consultation briefing note


Consultation Response form

November 2018

Pantomime 2018

Remembrance letter

October 2018

Safer Futures Live letter

Breakfast Club charges

Scholastic Book Fair

Halloween Disco 31.10.18

Football & Rugby Training Sessions

Harvest Festival Letter

Individual school photos

Year 4 Tag Rugby

September 2018

MacMillan Cancer Coffee Morning 28.09.18

Class 3 swimming letter

Dinner Money

Football & Rugby Training Sessions

Traditional Board Games Club after school letter

Dates throughout the year letter

School Year 2017-2018

June 2018

May 2018

April 2018

March 2018

February 2018

January 2018

December 2017

November 2017

October 2017

September 2017

School Year 2016-2017

May 2017

January 2017

October 2016

September 2016

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