Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 (N.I.V.)
At Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary School we strive to be outstanding in every area. The children that attend our school are at the heart of everything we do and we strongly believe in offering every child every opportunity to develop into thoughtful, confident and compassionate members of society. In order to achieve this, we must have a reflective school community. There is always room for improvement and improvement depends on leaders knowing how to tap into the potential that already exists in the school. Christian Values are at the foundation of how we shape the attitudes of our pupils to learning and to life in the wider community.
KFC – Kindness, Fellowship, Confidence
Kindness, Fellowship and Confidence or ‘KFC’ is the acronym used in school to frame the vision of the Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary School community. Each term will focus on one area of our vision through Collective Worship, assemblies and lessons.
Special thanks goes to Judith Ingwersen for creating these three unique drawings that use the core quality words from each of the three themes in place of lines. Judith is an artist from Canada and is part of our school community as a grandmother to three of our former pupils.
Autumn Term – Kindness

In Autumn term, the children are introduced to the qualities of ‘Kindness‘, including: being generous, forgiving, tolerant, compassionate, caring, thoughtful, supportive, gentle and grateful.

Look closely, every line in this drawing is a word related to our Autumn theme of ‘Kindness‘. At Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary School, we strive to ensure that each pupil develops these important core qualities.
Spring Term – Fellowship

In Spring term the focus is on ‘Fellowship‘ and includes lessons on being community-minded, family orientated, respectful, co-operative, morally brave, dependable, loyal and trustworthy.

Look closely, every line in this drawing is a word related to our Spring theme of ‘Fellowship‘. At Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary School, we strive to ensure that each pupil develops these important core qualities.
Summer Term – Confidence

In Summer term, ‘Confidence‘ is the theme and includes lessons on being resilient, responsible, committed, determined, resourceful, creative, inquisitive, honest, imaginative, diligent and optimistic.

Look closely, every line in this drawing is a word related to our Summer theme of ‘Confidence‘. At Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary School, we strive to ensure that each pupil develops these important core qualities.
The children are given opportunities to apply what they learn within the school context and beyond, for example, by joining a Pupil Voice group (i.e. Buddies) or simply by looking after each other on the playground and showing respect in class. The staff and Academy Council also model the vision and values and, as a result, continue to develop the Christian character of Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary School community.
If you have any questions about KFC, please contact us.