Barrington Buddies & Mini-Buddies

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At Stanhope Barrington we strongly believe that children need to have support not only from the adults around them but also from their peers. Being a Buddy or Mini-Buddy gives children a sense of responsibility and helps them to learn how to show empathy and demonstrate our core values.

The Buddies are selected through an application process whereby they complete an application form which is then considered by the more experienced Buddies. Buddies are selected from our children in Year 5&6 whilst the Mini-Buddies are selected from Year 3&4 and will eventually become the Buddies of the future.

The team receive training in how to support others and provide a vital source of support at playtime and lunchtime.


This year’s Barrington Buddies have been selected using the application form, here’s what the successful candidates had to say:

  • Hi, my name is Katie I am delighted to be a Barrington Buddy because I love helping the younger children in school.
  • I’m Ruby I like being a Buddy because I enjoy looking after the little children in school.
  • Hello I’m Emily and I enjoy doing reading with the children in Amethyst.
  • I’m Iliza I like being a Buddy because I enjoy making the little ones happy during lunch time.
  • It’s me Isla and I love being a Barrington Buddy because I get to know all the children in school really well.
  • My name is Sophie, I love helping all the children around the school, that’s why I’m a Buddy.
  • I’m Jessica and I like being a Buddy because I love helping the teachers make sure the little ones are safe.
  • Hello my name is Emilia, I like being a Buddy because I can help the children sort out problems at break time.


Why I am a Buddy?

Ruby – “I am delighted to be a Barrington Buddy because the school vision matters to everyone, and I will spread the kindness all around school.”

Ollie – “The reason why I am a Barrington Buddy is because I am kind and love to help everyone. I will be helping people on the playground and make children have a great day.”

Ava – “I applied to be a Barrington Buddy because I want to ensure every child has a smile on their face. I want to spread KFC across the school and community.”

Lily – “I am a Barrington Buddy because I want the school to thrive and grow with my kindness.”

Sophie – “I am a Barrington Buddy because I want to make sure everyone is being kind and no bullying takes place in our school.”

Fern – “I applied to be a Barrington Buddy because I want to help children to learn to be friends. I am now in Year 6 so I want to be a good role model.”


Buddy Readers – The Buddy Readers have been carrying out another aspect of their job description, helping the younger children. The Buddy Readers have been listening to readers from the Amethyst Learning Zone. It has been an excellent opportunity to build relationships across the school whilst also being an enjoyable session for all involved. Below are some of the pupil’s views of the reading sessions:

Amethyst Children:

“If I read well with the Buddies they give me a dojo.” Freddie

“I like it because they are kind to me and help me read.” Ralph

Barrington Buddies:

“I like to come and read with Amethyst because I get to see how they start reading and then turn into good readers.” Ava

“I enjoy reading with the little ones. I love to help them.” Logan

Anti-Bullying Week – The Barrington Buddies have been busy hosting Anti-Bullying assemblies this week. The Buddies have worked collaboratively to provide interactive sessions which support children who may have issues with bullying. Although all children say bullying does not occur in our school it is vital that we prepare the children for when issues may arise.

The key messaged delivered was about speaking out and identifying who you could take to when needing support. The children also wore odd socks to celebrate differences and again promote anti-bullying week.

Archived Buddies & Mini Buddies

View our archived Buddies & Mini Buddies information.

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