Archived Collective Worship

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Collective Worship 2022-2023

Collective Worship 2021-2022

Collective Worship 2020-2021

During this past year, as a result of the pandemic, Collective Worship has had to become more creative. In line with our risk assessment, pupils and staff have had to keep to their bubbles which means that joining together as a whole school has been impossible. Also in line with our risk assessment, singing is not permitted in order to prioritise the safety of our pupils and staff.  As a result, we have used technology to our advantage and have recorded members of our school community reading Bible stories which have been played within each bubble followed by a discussion of the content of the story. We have joined classroom bubbles through a virtual meeting to mark Remembrance Day and we have used Makaton in place of singing. On this page you will find some of the ways we have been finding Fellowship through Collective Worship in the time of Covid-19.

Remote Learning: Collective Worship

Collective Worship and Assemblies

Assembly Plan – Spring Term

Collective Worship and Assemblies (Initial letter)

Bible Story Videos

Summer Term

Wednesday, 7 July 2021 – Psalm 121

What is a blessing?

What other sources of help do you have as you move forward with your life?

How does it feel when you are outdoors in our lovely natural environment?

Wednesday, 30 June 2021 – Stranger on the Beach

How did you feel when you saw someone you hadn’t seen for a long time (during lockdown)?

Wednesday 23 June 2021 – The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

How did the Pharisee feel when he heard what Jesus had to say?

Do you think it is a sin to look down on other people?

What does it mean to be humble?

Wednesday 16 June 2021 – Jesus Teaches through Stories

What do you think the parable means?

Can you learn lessons from listening to stories?

What makes you ready to learn?

Wednesday, 9 June – Lazarus is Awoken

What does it mean to have faith?

Who do you have faith in?

Do you think anyone has faith in you and why?

Wednesday, 26 May – Jesus and the Temple Traders

Why do you think Jesus was so angry?

How would you feel if someone came into your special place and messed it up?

Is it ok to get angry sometimes? Why?

What is a good way to express our anger?

Wednesday, 19 May – Bartimaeus, the Blind Beggar

How do you think it feels to be blind and know something is going on but you cannot see it?

What would you miss if you couldn’t see?

How would it feel to live in darkness?

How would it feel to suddenly see again?

Wednesday, 5 May – Martha and Mary

Describe how Martha felt doing all of the work whilst her sister sat down.

Have you ever felt left out of a conversation? How did it make you feel?

Why did Jesus say that listening was the most important thing to do?

Wednesday, 28 April – Walking on Water

How do you think the disciples felt when they saw the white light in the darkness?

Why did Peter ask Jesus to command him to walk on water?

Have you ever doubted someone and how did you ask them to prove themselves?

Has anyone doubted you and asked you to prove yourself to them?

Wednesday, 21 April – Miracle at the Pool

Why do you think the crippled man did not give up when trying to reach the pool?

What does it mean to have courage and faith?

Give an example of when you’ve been courageous?

Spring Term

Wednesday, 17 March – The Prodigal Son

Wednesday, 10 March – The Good Shepherd

Wednesday, 3 March – Jesus and the Children

Wednesday, 24 February – The Good Samaritan

Wednesday, 10 February – Jesus calms the storm

Wednesday, 3 February – The Sermon on the Mount

Wednesday, 27 January – The Lord’s Prayer

Wednesday, 20 January – Jesus Goes Fishing

Wednesday, 13 January – Jesus is Tempted

Prayer Space during Advent

Following our Collective Worship on the first week of Advent, the children had some lovely discussions about our first focus area. During the first week of Advent our focus has been on family and the children talked very openly about the members of their family who they have missed during lockdown.

The team decided that we needed to give the children a vehicle to address these emotions and therefore set up a Prayer Space in the main entrance. The children were invited to tie a ribbon onto a frame to represent someone they are thinking of or are missing.

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