Collective Worship – SUMMER 2022

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Week 1 (Beginning 25.04.22)

Confidence: Family

How can we all be more supportive of our families and other families?
Our new element of our vision was launched – Confidence.
Whole School collective worship about St. George’s Day and the Legend of the Dragon.
Children in Opal, Amethyst and Sapphire considered what their ‘dragon’ might be, what challenge they might have which will need them to be confident.
Whole school collective worship on Wednesday looked at Noah’s Ark (Genesis Ch7-9) and considered how Noah had confidence in God even though his neighbours laughed at him.
Children really understood the metaphor of the dragon representing a challenge or problem or something which they had to overcome.
Our very youngest children were able to identify how they could use their confidence to achieve something.
Children talked about being confident in being themselves and not being affected by other’s opinions.
“I find it hard to express my feelings.”
“I find it hard to tie my shoe laces.”
“I find reading difficult.”

Week 2 (Beginning 03.05.22)

Confidence: Taking Responsibility

How do we take responsibility for our own actions?
Whole school collective worship on what it means to take responsibility for something we do or a mistake we make.
We discussed the unforeseen consequences of pranks and doing silly things.
EYFS and KS1 read a story about someone who makes the wrong choice and tries to blame someone else.
KS2 collective worship focussed on owning up and not making excuses when we make a mistake.
The discussion about unforeseen consequences really made the children think about silly things they might do.
This also led onto a discussion about peer pressure with the KS2 children and was addressed in terms of transition for the Year 6 children.
On Friday there were lots of examples which had been seen throughout the week where children have taken responsibility rather than blame someone else or make excuses.

Week 3 (Beginning 09.05.22)

Confidence: Resilience

How do we develop emotional resilience?
Please note it is SATs week and therefore all Collective Worship will take place in Learning Zones as the hall is in use every morning this week.

Week 4 (Beginning 16.05.22)

Confidence: Being Resourceful

How can we become more resourceful?
Monday’s launch collective worship looked at what being resourceful means, how we can become more resourceful and how we can learn from various sources.
EYFS & KS1 had a lovely collective worship where they red ‘Superworm’ who was very resourceful and they were challenged to solve a problem themselves by being resourceful.
The Open the Book team presented Daniel & the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6). This was a magnificent performance with some of our youngest children taking part as lions.

The younger children really enjoyed their challenge and it was great to see them come up with different ideas and solutions.
The whole school was thoroughly engaged in the OTB performance. They were able to identify who was resourceful and who had shown confidence in the story.
The children were able to verbalise how they had been resourceful this week. KS2 children gave examples of using a range of skills in class to help complete their work. Another child spoke about how they had worked with their friend to share resources and information when they had missed part of a lesson.

Week 5 (Beginning 23.05.22)

Confidence: Resilience

How can we become more resilient?
Monday’s launch collective worship looked at what it means to be resilient. The whole school looked at the reign of our Queen and how she has been so resilient.
The Bible story this week was Jonah and the Whale and the children discussed why Jonah didn’t want to do what God had asked of him and how he found his resilience and understanding.
In class collective worship children have watched an animation of Jonah and the Whale.
It was interesting to note how few children had heard the story of Jonah and the Whale and then how much they got out of our discussions around the story.
Children were able to give examples of how they had been resilient and had overcome challenges this week.
“I learnt a new skill in making a cake for our Jubilee celebration”.
Our 100% attenders (Spring Term) were resilient when they went to the Wearhead Proggy Matting Club and learnt how to do something new.
One child received a certificate for being resilient in our celebration assembly.
Riley then wrote a poem for the refugees of Ukraine about resilience.

A poem about Resilience by Riley:


Be Strong never

Give up.

This all be

Over soon.

Be resilient

And Brave

We are all

With you.

Week 6 (Beginning 07.06.22)

Confidence: Being Proud

How can be proud of ourselves and others?
Explained that this month is Pride month. Discussed how we can be proud of ourselves and who we are as well as our achievements.
Open the Book Team delivered a performance on Boy in the Temple (Luke 2) which reinforced the message of being proud.
During the key stage two collective worship the children looked at how we use one or two words to ‘label’ people but that this is not a true reflection of the whole person.
In our reflective collective worship children gave examples of what they had done this week and what they proud of.
Children were able to identify and give examples of what they were proud of and how proud they are of other people.
“I am proud of myself for jumping 85cm on a horse!” Thomas.
“I am proud of how hard my mum works on her Nurse training course.” Joseph
“I’m proud of all the teachers in this school because they look after us and work hard and care for every child.” Isabella
Adults around school talked about how proud they were of children particularly Year 6 for how well they represented our school at Durham Cathedral Leavers’ Service.

Week 7 (Beginning 13.06.22)

Confidence: Creativity

What does it mean to be creative?
We have explored what the word ‘creative’ means to different people. Discussion ranged from arts and crafts and creating something to finding creative solutions to problems.
The Open The Book team delivered a performance called Jesus’ First Miracle (Matthew 4) and we discussed how Jesus found a solution to someone’s problem.
We discussed how we can always ask others to help us as they might think of creative solutions that we didn’t think of.
Children were extremely engaged in this value this week. Some children took it as a challenge to use their imagination and creativity to build a space model which they proudly showed in collective worship.
Children were able to give a range of examples of how they had been creative this week.
“I was creative in how I completed a computer challenge as I had to solve problems.”
“I was given a piece of fabric by my step-mum and had to think of what to make from it.”
“We were given a shape in class and had to turn it into a cube.”
During After School Club one child commented:
“ We are using our value of creativity by making the scarecrow.”
The children demonstrated a really good understanding of creativity.

Week 8 (Beginning 20.06.22)

Confidence: Being Determined

How can being determined help us?
Whole school collective worship on what it means to be determined.
Children watched a video of Claire Lomax who ended up in a wheelchair after a riding accident and was determined to complete the London Marathon.
Open the Book performed Ruth finds a new home (Ruth 1-4).

Children were able to talk confidently about being determined and gave examples of what they were determined to achieve.
They understood that challenges might be immediate, short term or long term and talked about how they could use other values such as resilience to help them to overcome those challenges.

Week 8 (Beginning 27.06.22)

Confidence: Curiosity

Why is it important to be curious?
Whole school collective worship on curiosity.
Children were asked to think about something they would like to learn more about.
Open The Book Team performed The Marvellous Picnic based on the Feeding of the 5,000 (Matthew 14).
KS2 had a key stage collective worship on how Isaac Newton discovered gravity through his curiosity.
In our reflection at the end of the week children were asked to give examples of how they had been curious this week.

Children were able to demonstrate curiosity by asking questions linked to various inspiring pictures.
The Open the Book performance tied in really well with the Ruby Learning Zone’s Community Project – Feeding Families and their Festival on Friday.
By the end of the week children could give lovely examples of questions they had asked such as:
“How do animals become attached to humans?”
“Why do people on the bottom of the world not fall off?”
And a very challenging question from a child in Year 1:
“Why doesn’t God stop the war in Ukraine?”

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