Archived Class 5 (Y5&6) 2018-19

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Welcome to Class 5

Class 5 is comprised of Year 5 and Year 6 children working at Key Stage 2 (KS2).

Mrs. D. Cross is the class teacher working with Mrs. A. Peoples as the classroom assistant.

Our Learning

To find out what we will be learning in Summer Term, please click the link below:

Jigsaw Termly Overview Class 5 – Summer

To find out what we learned in Spring Term, please click the link below:

Jigsaw Termly Overview Class 5 – Spring

To find out what we learned in Autumn Term, please click the link below:

Jigsaw Termly Overview Class 5 – Autumn

Here is what we have been doing…

Art Project

Durham Cathedral Leavers’ Service

On Thursday 13th June 2019 our year 6 children attended the Leavers’ Service at Durham Cathedral. Unfortunately the torrential rain stopped us from having our picnic by the river but the children had a tour around the cathedral and enjoyed the different activities inside.

The children enjoyed the leavers songs and have asked if they can perform them at our school Leavers’ Service in St. Thomas’ Church.

The funniest moment was seeing Mr Myers being wrapped up in toilet paper in front of everyone!

Another fantastic memory for our children to take away with them when they leave us in July.

Shoot for the Stars!

On Tuesday 11th June 2019 some children in KS2 had the opportunity to meet Michael Foale, an astronaut, who visited space a number of times. All of the children were very excited and interested in all of the amazing things he has done.

Ceilidh Workshop 2019

Hunwick Cricket Festival

On the 5th of June 2019 our school, Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary School, visited a cricket competition at Hunwick. Although we didn’t win, we all said it was great fun and it wasn’t the winning that counts it’s the taking part that does. In my opinion we all did well and would love to go again. Heidi said, “We could do better if we practised”. We all had a great time and played well as a team.

Mr Myers (Head Teacher) said he was really proud of us all and that we were a credit to the school.

Learning about Lowry

Class 5 have completed an art project (led by Mrs Peoples) all about L.S. Lowry. The children have researched facts about the artist and then sketched people in the style of Lowry. Every child has then contributed to a Lowryesque painting which is proudly displayed outside our classroom.

Making Space Shuttles

While studying the effect of air resistance, children in Class 5 have worked in teams to design and build a space shuttle to safely return an astronaut to Earth! They have thoroughly enjoyed this series of science lessons. The teams competed against each other to see how slowly their shuttle parachute could descend. The children were able to identify how to improve their design to ensure a safer landing.

The Weardale Tub Project

Class 5 have recently taken part in the Durham County Council Art project – The Weardale Tub. A team of artists and authors are working with schools across Weardale with children making individual panels of glass. The panels are decorated with images of Weardale and will be made into a large mining tub. The tub will be displayed at Killhope Lead Mining Museum after the Easter holidays.

The team worked at Stanhope Barrington CofE Primary School for two days and held three art workshops and a writing workshop. Parents were invited to come into school to take part in the project with their children and the event was also attended by our Art Link Governor and Subject Leader.

The children loved the project and produced some really creative ideas for the representation of their home area – Weardale.

On the final day, a renowned author and poet worked with the class to create Haiku poetry which is now displayed in school.

This was an amazing opportunity for our children and exposes them not only to other professionals and experiences but also inspires them in terms of future career aspirations or future hobbies and interests.

We hope that we will be able to take the children and their parents to Killhope in the Summer term to see the Weardale Tub in all its glory.

World Book Day at Stanhope Barrington

On Thursday 7th March 2019 our school celebrated World Book Day. Lots of children in Class 5 dressed up as their favourite character from a book and brought along their favourite book to share with the class.

At 2.30pm we held a World Book Day assembly followed by children choosing to go to different reading stations around the school. Adults in school read various books by a range of authors and shared their love of stories with our children.

A great time was had by all!

Cyber-bullying advice from Police

As part of our work on internet safety we invited Durham Police into school to speak to our KS2 children (Year 3-Year 6) about cyber-bullying. This is an area of concern nationally and is a form of bullying which children cannot escape as social media follows them everywhere they go.

The police delivered a very effective workshop on the impact cyber-bullying can have on the victim but also the impact it can have on the bully.

The children were really interested and learnt a lot about the impact of actions on others. Workshops such as this help our children to become more resilient and to learn how to deal with situations rather than to keep things bottled up inside.

Speak Out Stay Safe is a very important message!

Farming Through The Seasons

Class 5 are learning about the changing seasons by managing their own virtual farm. Each child has created their own farm and each season we have a different visitor to come and talk to us about how the seasons impact on their working lives and living on a farm.

This season we were joined by Claire Wright from Jolly Body Farm who spent almost an hour answering question from the children about every conceivable aspect of farming. The questions were relevant, pertinent and probing and the children learnt a great deal.

“I loved learning about the farm in winter, I could have done that all day!” exclaimed Jack.

We look forward to our ‘Spring’ visitor who will telling us all about how the jobs change when springtime arrives.

Many thanks to Claire for giving her time to come into school to help the children to learn more about seasonal impact.

A Play In A Day – The Accrington Pals

On Wednesday 10th October 2018, Class 5 took part in A Play In A Day. We were delighted to welcome Lisa from The Lynx Theatre back to Stanhope. The play’s focus was on World War One which the children are learning about in their Topic work. As always, the children rose to the challenge and delivered a humorous yet poignant and moving play about a group of friends who joined up together, fought together and died together. We definitely have some budding actors in our class!  Not only do they learning acting skills, these experiences also help them to develop resilience, confidence and social skills.

This is what our children thought of their experience:

“I think play in a day is awesome because it is a super fun way of learning things.”

Henry (Year 5)

“I loved play in a day with Lisa. I learnt so much about WW1 and I loved all the comedy in it. Play in a day just gets better!”

Alice (Year 5)

“Until yesterday, I didn’t know why WW1 started but now I do.”

Georgia (Year 6)

“Play in a day is my favourite activity we do in school and I am so glad everyone enjoyed it!”

Jessica (Year 6)

“Lisa is amazing, she is an awesome actor and we do lots of fun drama with her. The WW1 play yesterday was fun. I hope Lisa keeps coming to school.”

Dailey (Year 5)

“Thank you for Play In A Day yesterday. I loved the play and it was very interesting and funny. My parents enjoyed it and so did the whole school.”

Thomas (Year 6)

“I thought playing the role of Franz Ferdinand would be great, until I realised my friend would have to assassinate me!”

Bonnie (Year 6)

Thank you to everyone who came along to support and encourage our children.

 Hockey Taster Day!

On Thursday 4th October 2018, Sarah Kellett and Kate Thompson came into school and ran a series of Hockey taster sessions. Class 5 had an excellent session learning how to hold a hockey stick correctly and then learning how to control the ball around the pitch. The children had such a fantastic time they have asked if we can run an after school hockey club! We are currently discussing this with Sarah.

We were delighted that Sarah and Kate were able to come into school and give our children the opportunity to experience a different type of sport. You never know – we might have some hockey stars of the future!

Annual Residential trip to Kingswood

On Sunday 16th September 2018, Class 5 set off for our annual residential visit to Kingswood, Dukeshousewood – near Hexham. The children, Mr Myers, Miss Elsdon and Dean Tinkler spent three nights and four days taking part in a wide variety of different activities.

Feedback from the children:

“Kingswood is a phenomenal place to visit and great for birthdays and trips. I would highly recommend it for children over eight” said Dan (Year 6).

“My favourite thing at Kingswood was the zip wire because it was fun” – William (Year 6).

“I loved the 3G swing because it was exciting!” said Chloe (Year 5).

“When you got to the top of the Leap of Faith, it was really wobbly!” – Laycee (Year 5).

“I liked Kingswood because the staff were amazing and I liked all of the activities,” said Tyla (Year 5).

“ I really enjoyed all of the high ropes because they challenged me mentally and physically!” claimed Bonnie (Year 6).

“I love Jacob’s Ladder even though I didn’t get to the top because it was wobbling,” said Georgia (Year 6).

“The Leap of faith was scary in a way that I liked it,” – Ashton (Year 5).

Feedback from the staff:

“This was the best behaved group I have worked with for years. They were really good fun and took on all of the challenges,” said Dean Tinkler.

“I am really proud of every one of our children. They all tried the activities, even when they were apprehensive they showed real courage and resilience. As always they were a credit to our school!” Mr Myers (Head Teacher).

“I was really impressed with the courage displayed by all of the children. It was really fun getting to know the lovely group of children in Class 5!” Miss Elsdon (Teacher).

We are currently negotiating prices for a visit next September and further information will be sent out to parents in the next few weeks regarding our next trip.

Queens and the Machines Workshop

On Wednesday 26th September 2018, Class 5 took part in a workshop about the role of women in World War 1. A project worker (Hannah) came into class from Beamish Museum and delivered a fascinating workshop about how women took over the roles left empty when the men joined up to fight for King and Country.

They were amazed to learn how dangerous working in the factories were and how brave the women were who made shells and explosives for the front line.

While watching historical interviews with women who had worked in the factories, they learnt what life was like for those left behind at home.

To explore the roles and learn empathy with the women, groups of children developed a short drama about a young woman who came home to tell her parents that she had just got a job in a factory. Everyone in the family reacted in different ways.

The workshop kicked off our topic about World War 1 and over the next few weeks the children will be learning a lot more about this hugely important event in our history.

First Day Back – First Adventure!

Class 5 returned to school with a bang! On their very first day back the children were off to Ashes Quarry for their art lesson. The weather was beautiful and the children thoroughly enjoyed the session.

This term the children will be learning about different artists and creating their own artwork in the style of these different artists. The first artist they are studying is David Hockney. The children studied one of his paintings showing a rural landscape called: ‘Roads Across the Wolds’. The children then sketched their own Weardale rural landscape using a range of shading techniques. They will be using this sketch to create their own painting. Over the course of the term they will learning about lots of different artists and their individual styles and will hopefully create some fantastic pieces of artwork!

Archived Work

You can view archived work from previous class structures and school years on our website.

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