Archived Class 3 (Y3) 2018-19

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Welcome to Class 3

Class 3 is comprised of Year 3 children working at Key Stage 2 (KS2).

The class teachers are Mrs. A. Green (mornings) and Miss Hepple (afternoons) working with Mrs. A. Parvin as the classroom assistant.

Our Learning

To find out what we will be learning in Summer Term, please click the link below:

Jigsaw Termly Overview Class 3 – Summer

To find out what we learned in Spring Term, please click the link below:

Jigsaw Termly Overview Class 3 – Spring

To find out what we learned in Autumn Term, please click the link below:

Jigsaw Termly Overview Class 3 – Autumn

Here is what we have been doing…

Homework of the Week

26.6.19 – This week’s homework of the week is awarded to Danielle for some brilliant maths homework. Danielle has been trying very hard to read and write the time to the nearest 5 minutes. Well done Danielle!

Homework of the Week

19.6.19 – This week’s homework of the week is awarded to Harley for some brilliant maths work. We have been working hard on time and Harley has made a great improvement! Well done Harley!

STEM Week 2019

In STEM week, the children in class 3 had the opportunity to speak to some geologists and look at some fascinating rocks and fossils. This inspired some children to bring in their own to show to the rest of the class. All of the children were very engaged and had lots of curious questions to ask!

Shoot for the Stars!

Some children in KS2 had the opportunity to meet Michael Foale, an astronaut, who visited space a number of times. All of the children were very excited and interested in all of the amazing things he has done.

Homework of the Week

12.06.19 – This week’s homework of the week is awarded to Mason for some very interesting facts about the planets in our solar system! Mason clearly worked very hard at home and included more than 30 facts! Keep up the good work Mason!

Homework of the Week

05.06.19 – This week’s homework of the week is awarded to Rosie for choosing a fantastic theme to include in her word search.  Rosie included names of many mountains and completed her times tables rock star sheet in 3 minutes! Amazing job Rosie!

Homework of the Week

15.05.19 – This week’s homework of the week is awarded to Noah for a fantastic reading comprehension. He wrote an excellent description of a carnival and what he imagined it to be like if he was there. Very well done Noah, keep up the good work!

Homework of the Week

 o8.05.19 – This week’s homework of the week is awarded to Olivia for a fantastic score on her Times Tables Rock Star. Olivia has been working really hard in class on her 8 times tables. Well done!

Park Opening

On Friday 3rd May 2019, Class 3 were kindly invited to the opening of the new play park next to the river. All of the children had a fantastic time playing on the new equipment. This was kindly funded by ‘The Weardale Area Action Partnership’.

Homework of the Week

05.04.19 – This week’s homework of the week is awarded to David for a fantastic PowerPoint presentation about Volcanoes. Fantastic David, keep up the good work!

Vindolanda – Thursday 28th March 2019

As we have been learning about the Romans this term, Class 3 went on a trip to Roman Vindolanda and Army Museum. The children had lots of fun learning more about the Roman Empire and the way in which Romans ruled Britain. Firstly, we went into the Roman classroom where we learned how to say hello and goodbye, followed by a 3D film all about life on the wall. We then looked around the museum to see examples of food and clothing Romans would eat and wear. Afterwards, we visited the fort where we spoke to an archaeologist who showed us interesting artefacts and told us a lot of information. We then had time to explore the Roman Fort ourselves to see the different buildings and imagine what life was like for the Romans. Class 3 had a fantastic time visiting Vindolanda!

Homework of the Week

27.03.19 – In maths we have been learning to calculate and convert measurements of lengths. This week’s homework of the week is awarded to Danielle for some fantastic maths work! She has been working extra hard in lessons which has really shown through her homework. Keep up the good work Danielle!

Homework of the Week

20.03.19 – This week’s homework of the week is Malachi! Malachi produced a fantastic fact file about Julius Caesar which he used in his history lesson to create an excellent poster! Very well done Malachi! Keep up the good work!

Homework of the Week

13.03.19 – This week’s homework of the week is awarded to Leo for getting 60 out of 60 in Times Table Rock Star! Leo has been working very hard on his times tables in class and is now onto his mixed worksheets! Very well done Leo!

Red Nose Day

Class 3 had lots of fun on Red Nose Day! We dressed up in our sportswear and took part in an obstacle course in the school hall. We also created posters in class and included different ways in which we could raise money!

Homework of the Week

06.03.19 – In class 3 we have begun our new topic in science. The children were asked to label the functioning parts of a flower and describe what each of these do. Rosie produced a fantastic piece of homework and even included more interesting facts about plants! Very well done Rosie!

Homework of the Week

13.02.19 – This week’s homework of the week is awarded to David for a fantastic reading comprehension about the Romans. You have used some excellent reading skills; I am very impressed! Keep up the good work David!

30.01.19 – This week’s homework of the week is awarded to Harley for picking 10 fantastic items that would help him survive in case of a volcano or tsunami. Well done Harley!


On Wednesday we had a wonderful visit from ZooLab. Rob told us a lot about the myths and legends of some animals and we even got to see and feel some of them! Did you know that humans cannot actually die from the bite of a Black Widow spider?

Roman Day 2019


Homework of the Week

23.01.19 – Well done to Cooper for working hard on his 7x tables and answering all of his questions correct! Keep up the hard work Cooper!

Homework of the Week

16.01.19 – This term our topic focus is the Romans. As a start to our learning, the children were tasked to find 5 interesting facts. Romeo did a great job and found that the Romans used to eat dormice! He even included lots of pictures of Roman soldiers. Fantastic homework Romeo, keep up the good work!

Escape from Pompeii

On the 22nd of January, class 3 looked at a new text, ‘Escape from Pompeii’. We used a thesaurus to look for synonyms for the word ‘shake’ to describe the chaos of an erupting volcano! The children worked in small groups and created their own fantastic poem using some of these words. Well done, Class 3.

Ride of Passage

We have been making story boards for the opening titles of a short film called Ride of Passage.  Children worked in groups to create their storyboard.  They then wrote a short description of what happened and presented their version back to the rest of the class.  Each child spoke confidently and the rest of the class shared their positive comments with the group.

Homework of the Week

19.12.18 – As part of our literacy leading up to Christmas, Class 3 have been using rhyming words to create their own Christmas poems. Olivia created some fantastic poems of her own that she can use to help her in her work. Excellent work Olivia!

Homework of the Week

12.12.18 – This week the children in Class 3 picked their favourite poems. Rosie picked a poem called ‘Dreams’ and even made her own called ‘The bird with the broken wing’. Fantastic work Rosie!

Homework of the Week

05.12.18 – In History we have been learning about Anne Frank and her time in the annex. Laila created a fantastic diary entry explaining how Anne felt and the kinds of things she had been doing on a day to day basis. Very well done Laila, keep up the good work!

Homework of the Week

26.11.18 – We had some tricky Maths Problem Solving homework this week.  Aimee used her amazing maths whizz and solved all of the problems with some fantastic reasoning.  Well done Aimee!

21.11.18 – We have started our new topic ‘Forces and Magnets’ in Science. This week Noah completed a fantastic piece of homework showing examples of a push and pull force. Great work Noah!

14.11.18 – Class 3 have been learning column subtraction in maths. Katee completed some fantastic homework and even provided examples of her own. Keep up the good work Katee!

Remembrance 2018

As a class we have worked together to create some art work for the Remembrance Service in Church.  We took inspiration from a picture and worked as team to recreate it. Everyone understood the importance of remembering the soldiers who have fought in wars and continue to fight. Well done Class 3.

Class 3 Rememberence Art inspiration 7th November 2018

Homework of the Week

07.11.18 – Fantastic work Xavier! You have created an excellent film poster and included some brilliant sentences.

Halloween Disco

Class 3 all looked amazing dressed up for Halloween.  Great effort everyone!!

Homework of the Week

29.11.18 – Well done to Felix for his fantastic Times Table Rockstars work and his super word search! Keep up your hard work!

Gas masks in History

On the 18th October the designed their own gas mask for a child in WW2. We had lots of fun thinking of different patterns and colours we could use. The children have been learning why people wore gas masks and how they kept people safe from gas bombs.

Izzy Gizmo

This week the children have planned their own stories based on the wonderful story of Izzy Gizmo, who is a fantastic inventor and loves to help animals.  Many of the children shared their amazing stories with the whole class. I am so proud to have such an imaginative and confident class full of pupils.  Well done Year 3!!

The digestive system

This week (17.10.18) in science, class 3 have been learning about the digestive system. We identified the different functions and what they do to help us digest our food. We even worked in groups to create our very own poop! The children were very excited to do something practical and they had lots of fun!

Homework of the Week

15.10.18 – This week the children were asked to find five interesting facts about animal’s teeth.  We found out so many interesting things! Did you know that a garden snail has up to 14,000 teeth?! Annie shared this fact with us and many more.  Well done on getting homework of the week and for finding out so many wonderful facts!

Homework of the Week

08.10.18 – Danielle was awarded Homework of the week this week for her lovely letter to Lenny.  She asked lots of great questions and told Lenny lots about herself.  She also included a picture for Lenny to show her where she lives.  It was a tough choice this week as lots of the children did excellent letters, so well done Danielle.

Letters to Lenny

On the 5th October we wrote letters as a character from The Lion and the Unicorn.  This book is set in World War 2.  To create an old effect children tea stained their letters.  We enjoyed writing our letters back to Lenny’s Mam and the children worked very hard to use the correct layout and include key information from the text.

Homework of the Week

01.10.18-Amber was awarded homework of the week for labelling a skeleton using the correct scientific names! The children have been learning lots about skeletons and the ways in which they move. Great work Amber!


Skeletons in Science

On Wednesday (26.9.28) class 3 went outside to create skeletons made from sticks and twigs. We had lots of fun using natural resources to make different bones. Each group labelled their skeleton with different bone names.

Propaganda Posters

In class 3 we have been learning lots of interesting things about World War 2. We created propaganda posters to encourage people to join the war. Some children even joined the axis and created posters to encourage the Germans to bomb Britain!

Homework of the Week

24.9.18 – Katee was awarded homework of the week for her excellent skills working through her times tables.  The children have been enjoying using the Times Tables Rockstar website at school and at home and we are seeing excellent progress from everyone.   Well done Katee!

17.9.18 – Mason created some fantastic homework about WW2! He included lots of information about the different countries involved, a map of the D-day landings and a picture of a spitfire. Mason even included a picture of his Grandad Joe who joined the army when he was very young.

Archived Work

You can view archived work from previous class structures and school years on our website.

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