Can you believe that it is Summer Term? Where has this year gone? We have learned so much this year already but there is still much to learn so, please, check out your child’s class page to learn more about what is coming up for this term and to see what they have been up to so far.
Our Y6 class have completed their KS2 SATs (phew!) and our Y2 class have also completed their KS1 SATs – well done everybody for working really hard, we are proud of all of you!
As it is summer, please remember to prepare your child for the warmer, sunnier weather – I hope I haven’t jinxed it now 🙂 – so that they can stay safe. Sun safety is important for everyone, even this far north. Please ensure that your child has a sun hat, sun cream, water bottle and summer weight uniform so they can enjoy playtime outside safely and stay nice and cool while in their lessons.
There are many things planned this term so please check your child’s bag for letters and visit the website to make sure you are up-to-date with everything that is going on.
Bring on summer and an exciting final term of 2018/19!