Sports Captains

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Our Sports Captains and Sports Leaders are involved in every area of PE and School Sport around school. Their main jobs are: making sure all of the PE equipment is organised and in good working order; organising intra-school festivals and competitions; organising and help run sports day and to purchase any equipment we may need in school.

Last year, our Sports Captains took part in Sports Leader training with the Education Enterprise. This included 8 hours of Sports Leader training and gave them the tools they needed to run a variety of games on the playground for other children. The children loved the training and felt it increased their confidence, team work and leadership skills. Because of its success, we decided to do this again this year and our new Sports Leaders are getting to be part of the training.

They are given a small budget to purchase any equipment teachers need for lessons or equipment for the playground. They meet with Miss Hunter-Purvis (the PE ambassador) at least once a term to discuss PE in school, what is working well and make suggestions for future improvements.


Our Sports Captains are four Year 6 children that did the Sports Leader training last year. They are, Ruby W, Wesley, Polly and Oscar. Our new Sports Leaders are Year 5 children and they are, Emilia, Lacey, Rory, Olly, Mikey, Scarlett, Henry and Sophie.

This year we are hoping to buy an outdoor storage box for the playground and fill it with sports equipment that can be used specifically at playtime and lunchtime.

2023 – 2024

This year our Sports Captains are Jake, Fern, Alfie and Lily.

2022 – 2023

This year, our Sports Captains are: Chester, Thomas, Ethan, Ellie and Jennifer.

Visiting Athletes – Last year, we had a visit in school from Charlie Myers, a GB pole-vaulter. He delivered an inspirational assembly about his life and commitment to sport then he ran an exercise circuit with children across school. This year, we have another athlete coming into school who the sports captains will work with to deliver the circuit and get everyone excited for the day. Check back soon on our website for information about the athlete! At the end of the Autumn Term, we were able to order lots of new sports equipment thanks to the sponsorship we earned from Charlie’s visit. The sports Captains have been working hard to keep all the equipment in check and tidy in the cupboard for people to access.

Archived Information

View our archived Sports Captains information.

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