Archived Science

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Archived Science 2022-2023

Year 1 – with Mr. Storey

What common animals can you name? – This half-term the Year 1 children are investigating animals including humans. To kick-start the topic the children worked in a pair to attempt to name animals that were lurking around the school grounds. The children had to name then animal and also identify what type of animal it was using a key to aid their learning. We managed to see sheep, rabbits, birds and a number of dogs.

Year 2 – with Mrs. Cross

Animals including humans – During last half term our Year 2 children covered the topic ‘Animals including humans’. They learnt that all animals belong to one of five animal groups and learnt some tricky words such as amphibian and reptile.

We looked at animal lifecycles and offspring and they learnt that some animals give birth to live young (mammals) and some animals lay eggs (birds, reptiles and amphibians).

We then learnt the three basic things all animals need to survive. Why not challenge your child to tell you what these are?

The children also learnt how to look after themselves by learning about exercise and the importance of eating a healthy balanced diet. They learnt some important vocabulary when we looked at the ‘Eat well plate’ (food groups) and also planned a balanced daily menu.

At the end of the unit we revisited why it is important to wash our hands. We carried out a scientific experiment to see which was the most effective way of washing our hands using glitter to represent very large germs.

Here is what the children had to say:

“ I learnt all about the five types of animal.”

“I learnt how quickly germs can spread from your hands.”

“I loved the experiment which got glitter all over the classroom.”

“I learnt that some babies do not look like their adult such as a frog.”

Durham Wildlife Trust visit Year 2- In Science this half term, John Hayton from the Durham Wildlife Trust came in to work with our Year 2 children. The focus of the session was on habitats and the children explored the outdoor area to identify different habitats. They learnt lots of information about short-eared owls and their habitat and went into the playground to see if we could spot any habitats outside. They then made a giant Jenga to represent our fragile environment. The children then pulled out different parts of the Jenga to show how we are adversely affecting our planet and to show how our actions have consequences.

John was very impressed with our children’s scientific knowledge and use of correct vocabulary resulting in ‘robust conversations about different types of animals’. He commented that they were ‘immaculately behaved even when transitioning from indoors to outdoors.’ He was also impressed with the application of prior learning and how staff encouraged children to ‘use what they already know’ to answer questions.

The children had a great time and we look forward to welcoming John back to work with us again soon.

Example of child’s work

Year 2 doing their bit for the Environment – This half term the children in Year 2 have been learning about The Environment and the impact of Climate Change. Following a visit from the Durham Wildlife Trust, the children asked if they could do a litter pick around Stanhope to try to reduce the amount of litter and particularly plastic which could find it’s way into the River Wear and be harmful to our wildlife.

This was a fantastic idea by the children and on Wednesday 7th December 2022, we wrapped up warm and set off on a walk along the river and back through Stanhope. The children had great fun and we had some great discussions about how the items of rubbish we found could be harmful to animals and the environment. The children took real pride in doing something for their local environment.

Jack said: “This is the best science lesson ever!”

“I love litter picking because we might have saved an animal’s life today.” said Katie.

We were really impressed with the children’s use of correct terminology and their demonstration of our school vision of Kindness, Fellowship and Confidence.

After half an hour of litter picking we returned to school for some hot chocolate and a Christmas movie!

Every Day Materials – During Spring Term 1 the children in Year 2 learnt all about different types of everyday materials. We learnt about their properties and uses and also found out the some materials can change shape whilst others cannot. We carried out a scientific experiment to find out which materials could change shape.

“I loved doing the experiments and learnt that you can stretch some materials.” Logan

“I learnt that you can use the same materials for different reasons.” Sophie

Science – Year 2 2023 – Example of Child’s work

Scientists and Inventors – This half term in Year 2 we are learning about the work of a diverse range of different scientists, inventors and activists. So far we have learnt about John McAdam – who invented tarmac and revolutionised road building in Britain. We learnt about Rachel Carson, who was one of the very first scientists to discover the impact of pollution on our oceans.

We are also learning about the work of Greta Thunberg who is a passionate activist on Climate Change.

Year 3 – with Miss Hunter-Purvis

Marie Curie – Our Science topic for Spring 2 was Scientists and Inventors. This gives our children an opportunity to look at Scientists that have contributed to science both in the past and the present. As part of this topic, Year 3 learnt all about Marie Curie. We explored her work whilst she was alive and the legacy she left behind. We created our very own x-rays of different body parts, and these were displayed at our Science Week Science exhibition.

Animals including Humans – In Year 3 Science, our first topic of the year was Animals including Humans. The first challenge was to put a human skeleton together and try to put everything in the correct place. We then learned about the names of the bones as well as the types of skeletons animals can have.

Year 4 – with Miss Hepple

Electricity – This half term, the children in Year 4 have been learning all about electricity! We begun the topic by understanding how electricity is generated and what electrical appliances we might find in our home that run on electricity. We also had lots of fun experimenting whether different materials were conductors or insulators and finished our learning by creating out very own switches! The children had lots of fun using the equipment to create different circuits.

Animals Including Humans – Year 4 have been busy learning all about Animals Including Humans! We have explored the digestive system and identified different functions of our body as well as comparing the digestive systems between animals. The children also had lots of fun learning about our teeth and took part in a rather smelly investigation that involved us putting eggs into 5 different liquids and monitoring them over time to see what happened to each egg! They especially enjoyed opening the jar with the milk in!

How does sound travel? – Year 4 have been investigating how sound travels this half term. With this understanding, the children had lots of fun making their own string telephones and testing how we could hear people speaking at each side.

Year 5 – with Mr. Clarke

Inventors in Science – As part of our ‘Inventors and Scientists’ topic in Year 5, we looked at the work of Luke Howard who devised the terminology for clouds. As part of our work, the children were given a challenge to create their own clouds, by making evaporating water cling to particles in a jar. Whilst they only lasted for a few moments, the children were able to make their own clouds in a jar!

Animals Including Humans – Year 5 studied the topic of Animals Including Humans during the Autumn term. They learned about; the life cycle of a human, different classifications of animals, gestation periods in a range of animals and changes that occur in puberty. To finish the topic, the children got a chance to be parents themselves and had to work together to look after their own baby to show how reliant human babies are on their parents.

Forces – Year 5’s science topic this half term was Forces. We completed various experiments testing the way forces are in action in the world around us, such as: air resistance by testing parachutes; friction by testing different types of shoes on different surfaces; and the effects of different mechanisms on forces.

Year 6 – Mrs. Green

Fixing Problems – In Science, Year 6 have been using their knowledge of electricity and electrical circuits to solve problems.  One partner created a broken circuit and their partner had to work out what was wrong and fix it.  We then looked at what happens to a circuit when more components are added.  We made a test circuit to compare our other circuits too and made observations about what happened.


The Theory of Evolution – Today the Year 6 children helped to develop their understanding of The Theory of Evolution through drama.  They were tasked with explaining the theories to support their understanding of how ideas have changed over time.

How do we see? – In science, the Year 6 children have been demonstrating how we see objects but understanding how light works.  Here they show how the light bounces or reflects from an object into our eyes enabling us to see the objects all around us.

Archived Science 2021-2022

Year 1 – with Mr. Storey

The Three Little Pigs! – This half term we are concentrating on everyday materials as we attempt to understand what things are made of and why. Using the traditional tale of the Three Little Pigs as a hook the children have discovered a rejuvenated Mr. Wolf, who no longer blows down houses. In fact, he now sets fire to them! This has allowed us to test the materials the three little pigs used to build their houses. We used a fire to see how quick each material would burn and how safe it would be. Next week we will analyse our findings and come up with a conclusion.

Year 2 – with Mrs. Cross

Learning About Recycling – Having spent this half term learning about Everyday Materials, we spent our last lesson learning about which of them could be recycled. Children were given a range of different ‘bins’ to use and had to sort lots of different household items into the current recycling bin and identify items which couldn’t be recycled and had to go to landfill sites.

We watched a video about how plastic, paper and glass are recycled inside the recycling plants and how they go on to be used to make other objects.


Exploring Everyday Materials in our Churches – Our unit for Spring Term one in Year 2 is Everyday Materials. The children have been learning about the properties of wood, glass, stone, metal and many others. On Tuesday 12th January 2022, we took our learning outside and visited both St. Thomas’ Anglican Church and Stanhope Methodist Chapel to explore and identify what items we could find made from different materials.

Dr Haynes showed us many local treasures at St. Thomas’ Church including our unique Font which is made from Frosterley marble and the famous Fossil Tree. The children were amazed to learn that the stained glass window at the rear of the church is 800 years old.

We also compared granite (used for a gravestone) and sandstone (used to build the porch). The children impressed Rev Claire and Dr Haynes with their knowledge of properties and their use of scientific vocabulary such as ‘transparent’ and ‘opaque’.

We then visited the Methodist Chapel with Mrs Sawyer and the children were able to identify similarities with St. Thomas’ Church and also the differences. They saw the metal collection plate and organ and explored the use of wood for pews, panelling and the pulpit.

Thank you to our local churches for supporting this lesson which has allowed us to exploit the unique learning opportunities in our local environment.

Rev Claire: “I am suitably impressed with the children’s knowledge.”

Dexter: “ I can’t believe there used to be volcanoes in Stanhope!”

Animals including Humans – During our topic of Animals including humans, the children have found out about animals and their young, finding out about the different way’s animals are carried and born into the world. They have looked at the stages of development a human goes through and identified the characteristics of the different stages. We have learnt about leading a heathy lifestyle and the importance of keeping clean, we even developed our own hand wash!

Year 3 – with Miss Hunter Purvis

Forces and Magnets – Our topic this half term is Forces and Magnets. We got to test the strength of different types of magnets to see which one was the strongest. This ring magnet attracted over 100 paperclips!

Pattern seeking enquiry – The Year 3s have been learning all about Animals including Humans in their science lessons in the first half term. We learnt all about different types of skeletons, the bones in human skeletons, nutrition and muscles. To finish off our topic, we conducted a pattern seeking enquiry with the question ‘Do people with longer arms throw further?’ Our findings told us that people with long arms don’t necessarily throw further and we produced some excellent graphs to show this.

Year 4 – with Miss Hepple

Living things and their habitats – This half term, the children in Year 4 have been learning all about living things and their habitats. We have been finding out how to classify animals by looking carefully at their characteristics. One of our activities was to go outside and search for insects. The children found a range of insects such as: earthworms, cockroaches and ants. The children then recorded what kind of habitat they had found it in and what their characteristics were using a classification key.

Circuits – In science, Year 4 have had lots of fun completing practical investigations on circuits. We have identified renewable and non-renewable sources, how we can keep safe from electrical equipment and how a complete circuit works using a range of different equipment such as batteries, lightbulbs and switches.

Sound – Year 4 have been learning about sound this half term. The children have really enjoyed learning how sound travels over distance. Firstly, we used our prior knowledge to explain how sound travels from the air into our brains. Then, we investigated how sound would travel by creating our own string telephones. It was great fun!

Year 5 – with Mr. Clarke

Properties and Changes of Materials – Our Year 5 science topic this year was ‘Properties and Changes of Materials’. As part of this the children learned lots of new technical terminology to group or describe materials such as permeability, transparency, flexibility etc. and has conducted a range of experiments to identify which materials do and do not have various properties. They have applied their knowledge to identifying which materials would be best suited for certain jobs, such as which material would provide the best electrical conductivity for lights.

Human Life Cycle – This term Year 5 mainly focused on the human life cycle, learning about how humans are born, grow and develop throughout their life time and the different changes which take place at different times. The children learned that human babies are more reliant on their parents than other animals and this was demonstrated in an egg-speriment where they became parents to their very own baby! There was nothing self-raising about this child as they had to work together to look after it throughout the day. The children found out how hard it was to be a parent as not all of the offspring survived the day.

Year 6 – with Mrs. Green

How do you make working traffic lights? – The year 6 children have worked in groups to make fully operational traffic lights with a four-way switch.  They showed excellent team work and resilience to make them over two lessons.

Can you light a bulb with lemons? – Year 6’s experimented with fruit batteries.  They managed to make an LED light up using only lemons and limes.  We found that the limes worked better than the lemons as the bulb produced a brighter light.  Excellent resilience skills were displayed as well as working scientifically to trouble shoot and test new theories.

How we see light – Our Mad Science topic for Year 6 has been light in Spring term.  We used equipment to demonstrate how we see things using light waves.  This topic has also helped us to understand reflection, refraction and the visible colour spectrum discovered by Isaac Newton.


How do Nutrients travel around our body? – The Year 6 children had a fantastic lesson this week where they were looking at how nutrients go from our food into our bloodstream.  We had a messy time recreating the digestive systems which demonstrated how the small intestine uses the villi to absorb nutrients and water which is then transported around our bodies in the circulatory system.  Great work year 6!

Archived Science 2020-2121

Opal Learning Zone

Growing Seeds – This half-term we were lucky to receive a gift box from The Big Grow, a company that provides children with seeds. The children were ecstatic to plant their own seeds and watch them grow. The children have been captivated with the topic which allowed us to investigate the life cycle of a plant and also what it needs to grow. The children have then accessed the outdoor provision where they have been planting a range of vegetables as we aim to make our own food.

Amethyst Learning Zone

Life Cycles – This half-term we have been focussing on New Life and have been lucky enough to have visits from a baby lamb and a chicken. The children have studied a number of life cycles and the addition of tadpoles in the classroom have enabled the children to make daily observations of how they grow. It has been excellent seeing how articulate the children have become, as they have been able to compare different life cycles and also discuss the importance of caring for all wildlife.

Sapphire Learning Zone

Planting and Growing – In Science, we have been focusing on planting and growing. After learning about plants, we set up an experiment to test what plants need to thrive and grow. We also planted seeds at home to take care of and nurture at home. We went on a tree hunt around our vast school grounds to identify the different trees that we have within our school area. We discovered many different varieties from our search.

STEM Week – We were lucky to have a STEM week in school. We had the opportunity to learn about force and create our own rockets to test out the theory. We all enjoyed being hands on and learning from a real-life professor.

Ruby Learning Zone

Friction and Magnetic Force – This half term we have been studying forces. We’ve been busy conducting investigations on friction and magnetic force. The children tested to see which surface created the most friction by rolling a toy car down a ramp. They all did brilliantly to make sure they were carrying out a fair test. When looking at magnets, the children were challenged to complete a ‘Scrapyard Challenge’ and use their magnets to separate magnetic and non-magnetic materials.

Emerald Learning Zone

What is the melting point of chocolate? – In the Emerald Learning Zone we were tasked with helping Maya find out the quickest temperature to melt chocolate so she could make some crispy cakes for her party. We set up our test using a range of equipment and discovered that 40 °c was the best temperature for melting chocolate the quickest.  Most of our predictions were correct as the children understood that heating a solid gave energy to the particles which made them move.  This changed the chocolate from a solid to a liquid.  Great work Emerald Learning Zone!

Diamond Learning Zone

Shadow Puppets – This half term, we have been looking at light. The children conducted their own shadow puppet performance to show the argument between Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke. The children thoroughly enjoyed this activity and produced some great shows using what they had created.

Properties and Changes of Materials – Our focus in Science has been Properties and Changes of Materials. The children have enjoyed completing experiments and predicting whether certain materials would dissolve. We have a clear understanding of what the key scientific words, ‘soluble’ and ‘insoluble’ mean.

September 2020- February 2021

Class 1

Where does weather come from? – In Science, we have been investigating “Where does the weather come from?” The children have learnt about seasonal changes focusing on the transition from autumn to winter. We enjoyed making a weather station to record the weather outside our classroom.

Animals Including Humans – In Science, we have been investigating “Animals Including Humans.” The children have learnt to classify and compare animals, as well as finding out what animals eat.

We have also looked at seasonal changes. We explored some of the school grounds noting how things change during autumn.

Class 2

Exploring Light – In Science, the children have been exploring light. They have investigated sources of light and animals that come out after dark. They sorted animals into nocturnal and diurnal animals. The children have then looked at some famous scientists and how their work has an impact on the ways we live our lives today.


Animals Including Humans – In Science, the children have been investigating animals and humans and their development through the different stages of life. The children have looked at a mother and its young, how to keep clean, how to look after themselves and a pet and how to lead a healthy lifestyle. One task the children enjoyed was designing a new home for a pet. Some of the ideas we brilliant, including dog trampolines!

Class 3

 Animals Including Humans – Class 3 Science topic this half term is to discuss animals including humans. During the topic, the children will learn about nutrition, food groups, skeletons and muscles. We will be also looking a predators and prey where we will look at the different types of teeth. The children will be creating data table and scientific diagrams to support their work.

Class 4

Light – This half term in Science, we have been learning all about light. We have taken part in lots of exciting investigations looking at reflections and what different materials do to light. This week we were measuring shadows and observing how they change as the object gets closer and further away from the light source.

The Digestive System – During our first two weeks back at school, we have started looking at our Science topic ‘Animals including Humans’. In particular, we have been looking at the digestive system and the journey our food takes through our body. As a class, we placed the organs in the correct place in the body and labelled them. Then we learnt more about the functions of the organs we had labelled.

Class 5

Forces – Class 5 have been focusing on forces this half term. We have completed lots of different investigations. One of our favourite’s being air resistance. The children created parachutes using different materials and tested these to figure out which one created the most air resistance.

Living Things and Their Habitats – Class 5 Science topic this half term is to discuss living things and their habitats. During the topic, the children will learn about the life process of reproduction as well as gaining an understanding of MRS GREN. We will also be making comparisons between the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, insects and birds.


Staff Co-ordinator: Miss K. Hepple

Link Governor: Mrs. A. Johnson

Statement of Intent:

Class 1

Class 2

This Spring half term we have been looking at Materials. We have explored different materials and their uses. We can explain why materials are used for different purposes. We carried out an experiment to look at how different materials can be changed, for example; squashing or pulling them. We have looked at recycling and the effects that rubbish id having on the world. We have been creative and made our own recycle junk monsters, using things we have collected from home.

We have been exploring Light in Science. We have looked at light sources and renewable energy sources. We have used iPads to research nocturnal animals and made our own fact files to share with our peers. We made shadow puppets and performed a little sketch, it was great fun. Finally, we learnt about light festivals, focusing on Diwali. We made our own Rangoli patterns and learnt about the story of Rama and Sita.

11.10.19- As part of space week, Class 2 have been working hard to describe their own planets! They used some lovely expanded noun phrases to describe what their planet looks like and had lots of fun deciding on 4 things they would take with them if they were on a space mission!

Science – Class 2 – Space 2019

Science – Class 2 – Space 2 2019

Pippa the dentist, came into talk to us during assembly. This linked with our topic as we are learning all about animals and humans through their stages of growing and developing and taking care of ourselves, including a healthy diet.

The children wrote up about Pippa’s visit and included some great facts in their recounts.

We took part in Space week. The children loved learning about the planets and went on to create their own. They thought carefully about the features of their planets and what might live there. They then thought about 4 things that they would like to take with them, should they be an astronaut.

Class 3

29.01.20- Class 3 had a visit from Zoo Lab on Wednesday! We learnt a lot about the myths and legends behind different animals such as spiders and snakes! Each child was given the opportunity to touch the animals as well as ask some very interesting questions!

22.01.20-Children used laptops and iPads to research the 3 different rock types; sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous.  The children collected their information and recorded it into a fact file including writing and pictures.

07 – 11.10.19- Class 3 have been doing lots of fun things to celebrate World Space Week. We had a discussion in a class assembly and used this knowledge to complete further activities. The children interviewed each other, asking questions they would like to ask Tim Peake. We also took part in a crew strength class in the hall, it was very tiring! To finish off our learning, we worked in groups to participate in a space quiz, we all had lots of fun!

02.10.19- The children in Class 3 have been having lots of fun making skeletons from natural resources. We even labelled them using the correct bone names!

Class 4

Since September, we have been learning about living things and habitats. This includes, the seven life processes, classifying living things in their local and wider environment. The children have enjoyed identifying the differences between animals their habitats, and environmental effects on the world.

Class 5

Experiment on Pulse Rates

Our circulatory system-In science this term, Class 5 have been learning about the human circulatory system. This is a very complicated unit within the curriculum and therefore to make it fun and interactive for the children, they were tasked with designing and making their own board game based on the circulatory system.

The children thoroughly enjoyed this lesson and were incredibly creative in designing games! The use of key vocabulary was extraordinary while the children were working on their games.

The children then took turns in playing each other’s games and giving feedback.

During the evaluation, the children identified what had gone well, how they would improve the game and what they had learnt from the activity.

“The games were fun to make and very educational.” Owen (Aged 10)

“The games were fun to play but you were actually learning something while playing them.” Tyla (Aged 11)

“We have learnt lots about the circulatory system and how the blood is pumped around the body.” Dailey (Aged 11)

Animals including Humans- This half term, Class 5 have been learning about the Human Body and in particular the Circulatory system. This is a tricky topic but the children have enjoyed the challenge. They have learnt about parts of the heart and lungs; how blood is circulated around our bodies and how water and nutrients are transported around the human body.

Next in this unit, we will be looking at the impact of living a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle on the human body.

Predators and Prey- Science – Class 5 – Predators and Prey 2019

10.10.19- As part of Space Week, Class 5 completed a reading comprehension to find out further facts about the moon landing 50 years ago!


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