- Policy: RE Policy 2023-2024
- Subject Ambassador: Mrs. D. Cross
- Link Academy Councillor: Rev. M. Baldwin
- Statement of Intent:
Our Vision:
A place where our children, adults and community can grow and thrive rooted in Kindness, Fellowship and Confidence.
At Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary school, our Christian Vision is embedded in KFC (Kindness, Fellowship & Confidence) and our values are underpinned in everything that we do across the whole curriculum.
Religious Education plays a significant role in the development of children’s spiritual, social, moral and cultural development. We develop respect and open-mindedness towards others with different beliefs and none and to encourage children to develop a sense of their own identify and belonging through self-awareness and reflection.
We develop our children’s religious literacy, their ability to think deeply about religious and cultural issues and to develop and explain their own thoughts and opinions.
We engage our children in enquiry-based lessons which are of a high quality and allow them to explore and understand biblical text, to understand the impact on Christians and to make connections to their own lives today.
We promote strong links with both St Thomas’ Church and the Stanhope Methodist Church. Our children regularly visit our local places of worship for religious festivals and celebrations and also use them as a learning environment such as for maths and literacy lessons. Children are given time to reflect and engage in Collective Worship, which supports the children’s understanding of the Christian religion and the strong values it promotes. Music plays a key role in our times of collective worship and allows the children to engage and enjoy songs.
At Stanhope we provide a wide curriculum which allows our children to embrace the diverse global community in which they live. RE teaches children to have respect for themselves, show empathy, generosity and compassion towards others.
Opal Learning Zone
Spirituality Sessions – As part of our Collective Worship lessons we have incorporated spirituality sessions. During these sessions the children have the opportunity to reflect and make links to wow moments throughout the week. These peaceful sessions are superb for the children to develop self-regulation skills and also develop their communication skills with their peers.

Visiting Our Local Church – As part of our community visit the children had the opportunity to visit the local church. The children were amazed by the stain glass windows and had an extended visit all around the church. The children since returning to school, have created their own stain glass windows which can be found in the Opal Learning Zone.

Amethyst Learning Zone
The Creation Story – As we begin our RE lessons the children have been asked the question – Who made the world? The children have now spent a couple of weeks unpicking the above question and have a concrete understanding of the Creation Story. In the pictures below the children are working together to sequence the story.

Who made the world? – During this half-term the children have been challenged to identify who made the world. After understanding the qualities of a creator, the children then listened to the Creation story and worked collaboratively to order the events of the story. The children identified the following qualities as what a creator needed to be: “Magical” – Elias; “Strong” – Arthur; “Happy” – Lainey

Sapphire Learning Zone
Creation Story – Sapphire children have learned about the Creation story from Genesis and how modern Christians interpret the story. They have considered why Christians are thankful for God’s creation and see it as their job to look after it. In one lesson, the children created their own Lego model only to see it get damaged. They then thought about how God would feel when he saw his creation being mistreated.

Ruby Learning Zone
Emerald Learning Zone
Diamond Learning Zone
Archived Information
You can view our archived RE & PHSCE information on our website.