What a fantastic day we had on Thursday 23rd January 2020! Our whole school had a real treat. M&M Productions came into school and delivered an amazing theatre performance of Aladdin as part of our Arts curriculum. Children from Nursery to Year 6 watched the show which was magical. The scenery, props and costumes were amazing and the whole thing was very professional.
The children and staff laughed non-stop and at the end, two of our children (Jayden and Lawrence) went up to the front to show some of their moves!
Feedback from children:
“It was really fun and you got to sing along to the songs.” Melody (Aged 9)
“I liked the way the script was changed to make it funny.” Lewis (Aged 9)
“I really enjoyed it and my favourite character was the baddie because he was really funny.” Lucy (Aged 9)
“I really liked it because the costumes were amazing and funny.” Laycee (Aged 10)
Future Performances:
M&M are a fantastic theatre company who always deliver high quality, educational performances and we hope to welcome them back in the future. We are seeking funding through our Grants and Funding team in order to secure more of these brilliant experiences for our children.