It’s National ‘Thank a Teacher Day’! We are therefore unashamedly fishing for feedback and comments from parents and children which we can then collate and send out to all of our staff team. They have been totally brilliant throughout the current Covid-19 Crisis and after half term we will be entering unfamiliar and strange territory. All of our staff are committed to support the children and our community during this period but we must also bear in mind that by doing so, they are putting themselves and their families at increased risk. Some of our team have vulnerable relatives and family members they are worried about but despite this they continue to put our children first.
We are honoured and proud to work with this dedicated team of people and think that by putting together some feedback from you all – this will give them a huge boost. Please email any comments to
Please note some of your comments may be used to on our school website.
Thank you
Mr Myers & Mrs Cross